Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Roasted Pear Salad

Roasted pear, with goat cheese and apricot jam. Originally, the recipe called for fig jam but I didn't have fig jam.... dried figs and dried apricots go in the same category, so why not jams too?

My reasoning often goes along those lines when I'm reading a recipe. Because, honestly, who ever has all ingredients in a recipe? Not me :( If I had unlimited storage I would!

There are roasted walnuts in here too! Roasting nuts helps to bring out their flavour. Sometimes they say to "roast in oven at such and such temperature" but I just do it with a non-stick pan on the stove top. It's simpler. Just crank up the heat. But be careful, once they reach that temperature, they burn fast.

And there's arugula in the salad too, I love that stuff. It's this peppery-bitter type of lettuce. I find it too intense on it's own and I eat it in smaller quantities. It goes amazing in sandwiches, panini... salads. The good thing about it is that unlike say romaine lettuce, you can cook it a little. Yes it's still gooey just like romaine but the peppery flavor is present, so it's a gooey peppery addition to the sandwich! And when you think about it, there's a lot of gooey cheese in a panini anyway.

I started Nutrition!! I love it!! V_V Although I'm sorry I've been neglecting the blog. Sometimes when I don't think the food is pretty enough or when I didn't like the taste enough... I don't want to post it. Mind you I've just been lazyyy and getting into the rythm of school again.

Hope you enjoy!

A rainbow graced us with it's presence one weekend. (You can even make out the second one!!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Beet Rösti, just a postlet

Well technically it is not called a rösti by it's creators, but Jewel-tone Pancakes. They are light and slightly sweet of taste. But they don't stay crisp very long, so keep them in the oven.

I have found that when grating beets - whether for salad, rösti or casserole - grated carrots go very well with them. And beets are so tasty! I love their color.